Corriedale sheep for sale

If you are interested in a Corriedale that could enhance the fiber genetics of your flock, we could have just the sheep for you. Our flock is healthy, vaccinated, free of footrot, soremouth/ORF and tested OPP negative.  Our sheep are jacketed year round to keep their fleeces clean, and the lambs have been jacketed since birth.  Our breeding emphasis is on sheep that produce excellent fiber, rather than producing lambs for market.

Our lambing season is in April, and we always have a variety of ewe and ram lambs in white or beautiful colors, with sturdy legs, proper conformation and exceptional soft fleeces.  We also occasionally have adult ewes or rams for sale.  The minimum purchase for ewes or ewe lambs is two sheep.  Sheep are social animals, and we have learned that single ewes or ewe lambs are highly stressed if they are moved into a different flock.  Ram lambs or rams are generally much more tolerant of joining a new flock as a single.

We believe in allowing the lambs to stay with their mothers as long as possible, so we typically wean the lambs in late July or early August. Therefore your sheep would be ready to travel to their new home in September, but we encourage you to contact us earlier, so we can add you to our waiting list.

Important note:  We prefer to sell to shepherds that currently have sheep and/or goats, or have past experience with shepherding.  In the past, we have sold small starter flocks.  But after a few bad experiences with selling breeding stock to new farms, we have become quite selective about whether beginning shepherds are well prepared to start caring for a flock of sheep.  As with all livestock, sheep require a much greater commitment than most people expect.  We ask for your understanding if we refer you to a different source for breeding stock.

Our goal is to ensure the best possible outcome for you and the sheep.  We want you to be happy with your purchase!  We provide comprehensive records for each sheep, and follow-up support to help you manage the new members of your flock.

Please get in touch with us by email or by using our contact form to find out more.

Lambs are coming...Lambs are coming…
...and they're going!… and they’re going!